krill population造句

"krill population"是什么意思   


  1. Disturbances of an ecosystem resulting in a decline in the krill population can have far-reaching effects.
  2. Climate change poses another threat to krill populations.
  3. A marine science ship is leaving Hobart on Monday and will measure the krill populations in the affected areas.
  4. The researchers suggest as well that it may not be the year-to-year changes in total ice area that affect krill populations.
  5. A marine science ship is leaving Hobart on Monday, and will measure the krill populations in the affected areas during its voyage.
  6. It's difficult to find krill population in a sentence. 用krill population造句挺难的
  7. In Antarctica he observed scientists measuring the krill population and concludes that the reduction that they found is a consequence of increased water temperatures.
  8. Krill cannot feed on the smaller coccolithophores, and consequently the krill population ( mainly " E . pacifica " ) in that region declined sharply.
  9. But krill also eat copepods, and if pout are removed the krill population expands _ at the expense of the copepods, whose numbers are drastically reduced.
  10. Fishing pressure on krill is very low  less than 1 % of estimated biomass-and the management rules established by CCAMLR ensure fishing activities minimise risks to the krill population or other species.
  11. His studies have shown that the small siphonophore, known as Nanomia, occurs in such abundance here that it eats about a quarter of the local krill population, competing successfully against such big predators as squids, albacore tuna and blue whales.
  12. Trivelpiece said that without a winter's ice soon, the last of the aging krill might never have the chance to reproduce before they expired, crashing the krill population and threatening even healthy populations of Adelies now living at the bottom of the world.


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  10. "krillium"造句

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